Adding a device to the Platform creates a virtual instance of your device where you can manage data, track location and create alerts to respond to unexpected events.

Data from these devices can then be visualised, monitored and controlled from within the Platform. For example, a device can be an IQnexus Temperature sensor transmitting via Sigfox or a Smart Water Meter transmitting water consumption via LoRA.

Find your device’s driver

Every IQnexus device has an associated driver that tells the platform how the incoming data is formatted.

You will need to know your devices model number to find the correct driver on the Marketplace.

The model number is located on the sticker on the back of your device

  1. If you haven’t already, create a IQnexus account and log in.

  2. Navigate to your projects devices and select IQnexus Market at the top right of your screen.

  3. Search for your device's driver using the your devices model number in the Driver Name field.

  4. Select Actions → New Device from the menu to the right of the driver.

Device Info

Complete the form to set-up your device info.

Depending on your device and driver you may see some or all of the following fields.

If an error or warning shows when you click apply. It is likely one of the above fields is incorrect or not unique. If you continue to have issues, please, contact us.

Ensure your Device is fully configured to get the most from the platform.

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